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{s:TopicNav|CD's|ForumOld.T0002|ForumOld.T3630|ForumOld.T3717|ForumOld.MainPage|ForumOld.T3755|ForumOld.T3755|ForumOld.T3755} {| class='ForumTopics' ! Posted By !! Comments |- | '''Robert D. Johnson, Jr.''' <br/>7/16/2010 7:21:08 AM | Where can I get the 401st Cd's Listed on Donald Byers 401st website?<br/> |- | '''Group Historian''' <br/>7/18/2010 10:12:56 AM | Robert,<br/> <br/> AFRS has these CD's at a cost of $30.00 each.<br/> <br/> AFHRA<br/> 600 Chennault Cr.<br/> Maxwell AFB, AL 36122-6424<br/> <br/> Donald Byers<br/> <br/> |- | '''Group Historian''' <br/>7/18/2010 11:54:57 AM | [++c012571|http://401bg.org/history/crew.asp?cid=12571]<br/> <br/> Is this your dad in this crew? <br/> <br/> Don<br/> |- | '''Robert D. Johnson, Jr.''' <br/>7/19/2010 5:36:22 AM | Thanks for the info on the CD's. No he is not on that crew. He is in the crew in the NARA crew photo's #65427a. He is the last row wearing the A-2 jacket. I have my dad's copy of that photo but don't know what crew. I contacted the middle back row mechanic but he didn't remember much about anyone. The guy on the other end from my dad I was told by some ones else walked into a running prop. Any information about those in the photo would be a great help.<br/> |- | '''James Lynch Soderberg''' <br/>7/20/2010 7:42:49 AM | I checked on the CD's last February. I was told "At the present time we can only provide material on microfilm. Would you like a microfilm quote?" The quote was $30 each. My contact was - Mrs Lynn Gamma, HQ AFHRA/RSA, 600 Chennault Circle, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112, 334-953-2395, email address - Lynn.Gamma@MAXWELL.AF.MIL <br/> |- | '''Group Historian''' <br/>7/21/2010 4:50:39 PM | My reply is current. This is a recent change in status of the CD's.<br/> <br/> Don<br/> |- | '''Win Bryson''' <br/>7/26/2010 9:59:32 PM | FYI before you buy (CDs or) microfilm:<br/> - - The microfilm is 16mm and in 4-inch rolls (as in old 16mm black-and-white film). <br/> - - They need a 16mm microfilm reader to view them (so are at-best inconvenient to use, presuming your local library even has readers for 16mm); and<br/> - - Viewing microfilm is one-frame-at-a-time.<br/> CDs are probably worth waiting for - much easier to 'search' and brouse through, and probably easier to print from, too.<br/> <br/> If you can wait, CDs are much more convenient to have and use.<br/> <br/> Are you looking for something specific?<br/> <br/> Win Bryson<br/> |- | '''Group Historian''' <br/>7/28/2010 10:10:27 AM | Have I not made it clear that the CD's are available NOW....... leave the confusion in the Past.<br/> <br/> Message Follows:<br/> <br/> Sir,<br/> I responded to you back in February. As of two weeks ago we made the<br/> following announcement on our web page:<br/> <br/> The Air Force Historical Research Agency is proud to announce that some<br/> of the Agency's holdings are now available for purchase on CDs. The cost<br/> of each CD is $30. Please send an e-mail to afhranews@maxwell.af.mil or<br/> submit the Contact Us form for a quote.<br/> <br/> Yes, one CD equals one roll of microfilm. If, for some reason, that a<br/> single CD cannot contain the complete microfilm roll, a second CD will<br/> be sent, free of charge.<br/> <br/> The index rolls are not in an electronic format, but I assure you that<br/> my description on the microfilm worksheet is accurate for the CD also.<br/> Sincerely, <br/> <br/> BARRY L. SPINK<br/> Archivist<br/> Air Force Historical Research Agency<br/> 600 Chennault Circle, Bldg 1405<br/> Maxwell AFB, AL 36112-6424<br/> barry.spink@maxwell.af.mil<br/> <br/> <br/> Don<br/> |- | '''Robert Johnson''' <br/>7/28/2010 2:00:33 PM | I am interested in actual crew list for each mission. My father flew as an engineer/top turret but not on a specfic crew. He was in the 612. He filled in for someone who could not make it that mission. I am told the micro fil/Cd's has this information.<br/> |- | '''Group Historian''' <br/>7/29/2010 8:51:14 AM | That is correct the loading lists for the 612th Bomb Squadron are available. This in fact is what I am tring to get rectify that same problem. I will be submitting a proposal at the reunion in August for a fund raister so we can get additional information. This however will come from the National Archives in DC. Are you a member of the Group? Or you should consider beeing part of our Group<br/> <br/> Don<br/> |- | '''Win Bryson''' <br/>7/31/2010 8:02:10 PM | Hi:<br/> <br/> FYI, the 401st Association recently confirmed there are more than one 'Loading List' versions (for most Missions):<br/> - - The 'static' version on AFHRA microfilm (and CDs) that the 401st Website Mission information probab;y was based upon, originally; and<br/> - - The 'official' 401st Mission Reports' 'Loading Lists' on-file at the National Archives for each Mission (although Reports for some Missions are missing). <br/> <br/> These 'Loading Lists' at the National Archives have updated and revised information - some in pencil over-marks - and are likely the most accurate aircraft and crew information that's ever going to be available anywhere, and the 401st has begun a long-term project to obtain National Archives 'Mission Report' copies to enhance the completeness and accuracy of the Website's present Mission information. Some Missions on the Website have been updated as a trial, but the long, slow, and costly effort to update all Website Missions is what the Historian's proposal is about - to 'make that happen'.<br/> <br/> Regardless, good hunting in the meantime.<br/> <br/> Win<br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> |}
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