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{s:TopicNav|Yes Another Pictoral Records of the 401st BG "Blue Book"|ForumOld.T0002|ForumOld.T2350|ForumOld.T2371|ForumOld.MainPage|ForumOld.T2380|ForumOld.T2406|ForumOld.T3755} {| class='ForumTopics' ! Posted By !! Comments |- | '''Donald Byers''' <br/>5/22/2006 5:28:45 PM | E-Bay Item: 6631800819<br/> <br/> Not shure yet if this is a 1st edition or 2 edition. I have asked the seller and will post the reply.<br/> <br/> Don Byers<br/> |- | '''Donald Byers''' <br/>5/22/2006 6:29:10 PM | This is a 1st Edition with colored Squadron Patches according to the Seller..<br/> |- | '''J.A. Greer''' <br/>5/24/2006 7:48:52 PM | Has anyone ever scanned and posted the photos in the "Blue Book" and made them available?<br/> |- | '''Scott McElvain''' <br/>5/25/2006 7:43:04 AM | An interesting idea since it is highly improbable that it will ever be reprinted again.<br/> |- | '''Donald Byers''' <br/>5/25/2006 6:12:25 PM | No I know of no picture scan for these two pages. I am not sure who hold the copyright for this it may be the 401st and they would have to give permission.<br/> <br/> Don<br/> |- | '''Douglas D. Anderson''' <br/>5/26/2006 12:01:55 AM | Don;<br/> <br/> I've just recently accepted the position as legal counsel to the association. I will check with Art concerning whether or not the 401st was ever assigned the copyright to the "Pictoral Record of the 401st Bomb Group" from the "Officers Mess, USAAF Station 128," which appears to be the original proponent.<br/> <br/> I've scanned the information that he sent to me, but don't see any such assignment. <br/> <br/> I've also scanned the US Copyright Office website; no current copyright appears to exist on this volume, although I do not hold myself out as a copyright expert. The Association may need to secure the services of a copyright attorney to resolve this question.<br/> <br/> My *very* preliminary assessment is that there is no current copyright on this volume or its reprint.<br/> <br/> I'll get back to you on this. <br/> <br/> Douglas D. Anderson<br/> |- | '''Paul Bellamy''' <br/>5/26/2006 8:30:42 PM | I noticed on a now defunct website a number of photos that are in the Blue Book, published apparently by the original photographer, who has since passed on.<br/> <br/> The link to the archived site is [http://web.archive.org/web/20040717122550/http://spruceroom.com/hilltop/deenethorpe.htm<br/>] <br/> I got the impression the chap was with the 401st at the time. There are still a few photos remining on the archived pages, in colour too. One that is not there now, but was what drew me into the site was the photo of the goods train in silouette that appears on the page following "And so to England" amongst various pictures of a GPO phone box, Oundle railway station, Burghley House etc.<br/> <br/> Best wishes,<br/> <br/> Paul Bellamy<br/> Kettering<br/> |- | '''Donald Byers''' <br/>5/29/2006 8:18:43 AM | Doug,<br/> <br/> Just thought of this. You might touch base with Art or George as they made some kind of deal with the NARA to get the crew pic's. Am not shure if they also got the A2 Jacket photos or not.<br/> <br/> Don Byers<br/> |- | '''Douglas D. Anderson''' <br/>6/1/2006 11:51:43 PM | Any records or files obtained from a govermental agency (including NARA) are not under copyright (a part of that "we the people" stuff). "We the people" own the files; they can't be copyrighted.<br/> <br/> Concerning the "Blue Book," the president of the Association, Mr. Seder, had this reply to my email:<br/> <br/> "The answers to your questions are that the 'Blue Book' was not copyrighted and, as you know, has been reprinted and its contents used in a number of other publications without attribution. Gordon Closway was the Group's public affairs officer and, while he put the "Blue Book" together after the War, the material was all taken from his files, so I don't know whether it could have been copyrighted in the first place. Furthermore, I see no purpose to be served by limiting further publication or use of the 'Blue Book' material, since obviously no royalties are involved.<br/> <br/> "My conclusion, therefore, is that the 'Blue Book' and its material are not protected by copyright."<br/> <br/> As such, the "Blue Book" can be scanned and freely distributed to any family members or other interested parties.<br/> <br/> Doug<br/> |- | '''Donald Byersd''' <br/>6/2/2006 11:10:35 AM | Doug,<br/> <br/> A job well done. Thanks for clearing that up for all who are interested.<br/> <br/> Don Byers<br/> |- | '''Win Bryson''' <br/>6/3/2006 11:35:35 PM | 1. Not to be a 'provocatuer' (never was good at spellng) - well, actually yes, to stir things up,<br/> 2. Wouldn't it be great, absent availability of Capt. Closeway's actual 'Bluebook' publication originals, <br/> 3. That with today's digital photo quality/printing capabilities and small-run options,<br/> 4. A 'run' of Bluebook reprints (for sale) could stimulate younger generations' interest in, and knowledge of, the 401BG as well as availing those who cannot find an 'original' the opportunity to have a copy (minus the upolsrered cover, maybe, to save costs) of photos (damn near) the quality of the originals? <br/> 5. I'd spring for at least one, and maybe more for family members, especially if it had the Squadron Insignias' page in color (like the original).<br/> 6. I'm sure this topic has 'come-up' often - and it's a lot of work. But maybe it's a topic for this year's Reunion, especially to help generate '2nd & 3rd' generation 401st interest.<br/> <br/> Hopefully,<br/> Win Bryson <br/> |- | '''Jean Dawkins''' <br/>6/4/2006 12:22:42 AM | I would be interested in a copy as well. Mother has my Dad's book complete with leather insignia (at least I think that it is leather, I know that he had it as far back as I can remember.) I would like to have several copies to pass on to my brother's children. Jean<br/> |- | '''Donald Byers''' <br/>6/4/2006 2:15:56 PM | I have seen some of the pages of books that have been photograft and you can't get rid of the curve in the pages because they won't lay flat. I don't think you could do one without taking apart an original copy of the Blue Book and having it copied from their to get a good book. That's a $225.00+ cost right their. I would like to see a Blue Book II which would cover the rest of the war my self.<br/> <br/> Well that is just my thoughts about it anyway and not to take away any thoughts you have put forward.<br/> |}
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