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{s:TopicNav|Nobody's Baby bomber jacket|ForumOld.T0002|ForumOld.T1878|ForumOld.T1917|ForumOld.MainPage|ForumOld.T1921|ForumOld.T1961|ForumOld.T3755} {| class='ForumTopics' ! Posted By !! Comments |- | '''Brian Silver''' <br/>4/29/2005 2:36:36 PM | > My father was Del "HIHO" Silver and was assigned to Deenethorpe. He was a group leader on occasion and had a jacket not affiliated with a specific crew.<br/> > <br/> > The jacket showed a very sheepish Dopey (from Disney) with the name, Nobody's Baby on it. There were then the standard semi-circle of bombs, one for each mission.<br/> > <br/> > I hate to say this but I went home on leave several years ago to discover that he had thrown the jacket out as he was "never going to wear it again anyway." Needless to say I would have loved to have taken it off his hands.<br/> > <br/> > I'm wondering if anyone from the 401ST would have a picture of the jacket or can steer me in the right direction to get a picture of it so I can recreate it. I'm trying to redo it on a jacket or in stained glass.<br/> > <br/> > Thanks very much,<br/> > <br/> > Brian D. Silver<br/> > MSgt, USAF (RET)<br/> > 18791 Paulsen Drive<br/> > Oregon City OR 97045<br/> > bdjasilver@comcast.net<br/> <br/> <br/> |- | '''Scott McElvain''' <br/>4/30/2005 11:10:34 PM | According to my reference, no photos of "Nobody's Baby" are known to exist. Sorry I can't help you out. Don't give up...........<br/> |- | '''Clyde Larry Mings Cmsgt USAF ret''' <br/>6/22/2005 10:57:02 PM | Cant help you on the jacket but have a friend who lives in Jacksonville who has a book on the A-2 jackets and I will see if he can help BTW, those jackets are really hot collectors items- had a guy offer me 1600 bucks cash for mine and kept writing to get me to part with it, but I had promised my son that it was his when I check out of this earthly hotel. Had a B-17 painted on it and the bombs with the target name on each, including D-Day. Had I painted "Madame Queen" on it it would have been worth 300 more.I am sure you have read the black 401BG book and That colorful HI-Ho is mentioned on pages<br/> 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 94 . Quite a man.<br/> Regards - Larry, radio op on Madame Queen 613 B.SQ.<br/> |- | '''Brian Silver''' <br/>9/6/2005 7:07:46 AM | Thanks for your kind reply. I agree, Dad was a helluva man. I know I saw a picture of Nobody's Baby in his house in Silverton Oregon. When he passed on one of the 3 of us, his kids, got the picture. Unfortunately my brother and sister are packed up and moving so are unable to look through the stacks right now. Guess I'll just have to try to be patient.<br/> |- | '''Brian Silver''' <br/>9/6/2005 7:12:48 AM | Scott, I know a picture exists but I have yet to find it. The only one I ever saw was in his house in Silverton Oregon and it was Dad from the back. It was terribly offcenter so his right arm is out of frame but the back of the jacket is clearly visible. I just have to find it. FRUSTRATING! I have to watch Snow White and the Seven Dwarves on DVD as I know the shot of Dopey was from the movie and I can draw it and the rest of the jacket if I get that shot. Sigh....Believe me, I'm not about to give up. If I find it I'll post a picture of what I've done with it.<br/> |- | '''Brian Silver''' <br/>9/6/2005 7:13:04 AM | Scott, I know a picture exists but I have yet to find it. The only one I ever saw was in his house in Silverton Oregon and it was Dad from the back. It was terribly offcenter so his right arm is out of frame but the back of the jacket is clearly visible. I just have to find it. FRUSTRATING! I have to watch Snow White and the Seven Dwarves on DVD as I know the shot of Dopey was from the movie and I can draw it and the rest of the jacket if I get that shot. Sigh....Believe me, I'm not about to give up. If I find it I'll post a picture of what I've done with it.<br/> |}
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