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{s:TopicNav|613th Squadron|ForumOld.T0002|ForumOld.T1026|ForumOld.T3259|ForumOld.MainPage|ForumOld.T1078|ForumOld.T1120|ForumOld.T3755} {| class='ForumTopics' ! Posted By !! Comments |- | '''Ward Coleman''' <br/>8/27/2003 2:24:33 PM | Would like to make contact with anyone who served with my Dad. Capt Ed Coleman. He was a memeber of the 613th. He passed away July 4,1989.<br/> |- | '''Donald Byers''' <br/>8/28/2003 10:05:04 AM | Did he leave anything behind on his 26 missions that he flew like what aircraft he flew on each mission. I don't have my directory at work but will check when I get home and see if any of the other 7 members are in the directory.<br/> <br/> Also if you are not a member please print out a membership form from this forum and join for $10.00 a year. We need dedicated people to keep the orginization going in the future.<br/> <br/> Donald Byers<br/> Remember Sgt. Donald C. Byers 613th BS 24 Aug 1944 and your dad flew on this mission to Weimar.<br/> <br/> |- | '''Donald Byers''' <br/>8/28/2003 6:13:06 PM | Here is what I found Ward. Call them up and start your dialog up with them and then you can correspond. See if they can give missing details that are not listed in the History section of this web page like the plane's they were flying on the dates the indicate no serial number's.<br/> <br/> Eldridge K. Stout<br/> Phone (916)363 5337<br/> 3068 Ramsgate Way<br/> Rancho Cordova, CA 9567-05350<br/> (Call Him)<br/> <br/> Willard D. Kidman<br/> 8010731-3134<br/> 4295 W 1400 N<br/> Plain City, UT 8440-48822<br/> (Call Him)<br/> <br/> <br/> Russell Anderson (May be a relative)<br/> E-Mail: russ577@email.com<br/> 903-794-1984<br/> 8450 N. Stateline<br/> Texarkana, Texas 7550-031962<br/> <br/> Check him out.<br/> |- | '''L.A.Mitchell''' <br/>8/28/2003 8:14:19 PM | Ward, if no response to info by Don Byers for Willard Kidman, try him at 151 East 100 North ,Malad,<br/> ID 83252 Phone (208)766-5573.,<br/> If you would like to have Missions Flown list and report on the ditching, send me your U.S. Mail address.<br/> |- | '''Ward Coleman''' <br/>9/10/2003 8:05:21 AM | I have an old scrapbook his mother kept while he was in the service. Good articles without much history about the bombing raids he flew. I think the only real source of information will come from members of his crew. Hope to attend next years reunion. I would like to meet as many members of the 613th as possible.<br/> |- | '''Ward Coleman''' <br/>9/10/2003 8:12:08 AM | My address is<br/> 102 W. Hickory Bend<br/> Enterprise, Al<br/> 36330<br/> <br/> Thank you for your help<br/> |- | '''Donald Byers''' <br/>9/12/2003 7:26:34 AM | Would be interested in articles and if you have some pictures also.<br/> <br/> See my web page [http://www.donald-byers.com/<br/>] <br/> Don<br/> |- | '''Ward Coleman''' <br/>9/12/2003 8:09:22 AM | Don,<br/> Would like to mail the articles and pitures to you and after you scan them in to the Web page would like to have them back. What is your address???<br/> |- | '''Donald Byers''' <br/>9/15/2003 8:33:19 AM | No problem Thanks Much!!!!!!<br/> <br/> Donald Byers<br/> 5214 29th Street<br/> Lubbock Texas 79407<br/> |- | '''Win Bryson''' <br/>10/24/2003 9:38:30 PM | Ward,<br/> 1. The only direct info I have relating to your Dad is from the 10-7-44 401BG Mission to Politz. Hopefully, this may "lead" to other connections. <br/> <br/> 2. Politz was "tough" mission - George Menzel's book "Portrait of a Flying Queen" has a chapter about it, and so does a book called "Castles in the Air". <br/> <br/> 3. According to the Mission Report, there were four "boxes" of formations, one behind the other, that would fly over and bomb the target, one after the other. Flak was listed as heavy and accurate. "A"-box was 457BG planes; "B"-box was 351BG planes; "C"-box was 401BG planes and "D"-box was a composite of planes from all three Groups. The 401BG lost 5-crews that mission - one of which was "deputy lead", just behind and to the right of your Dad's plane - the A.J. Nelson crew.<br/> <br/> 3. You Dad is listed in the Mission Report as lead-crew pilot of the High Squadron (in "C"-box). Aboard was Maj. De Jonckheere, Hi Sq. C-Flight Leader.<br/> <br/> 4. The Loading List for the Mission lists your Dad's crew thus: in a/c #42-38600 (IN-Y): pilot, 1st.Lt. E.W. Coleman; Co-pilot, E.T. Jonckheere; Nav., 1st.Lt. H.E. Kron; Bomb., K.K. Stout; Radio, T/Sgt.C.A. Carmon; Top Turret; T/Sgt. T.A. Lindholm; Waist Gun., S/Sgt. W.D. Kidman; Waist Gun., E.W. Anderson, and "V". 2nd.Lt. W.W. Strong. Maybe some of these crew members (or kin) are reachable for more direct info.<br/> <br/> <br/> |- | '''ra''' <br/>11/7/2003 4:25:40 AM | what does the"v" that w.w. strong is listed as stand for?<br/> |- | '''Win Bryson''' <br/>11/7/2003 1:47:15 PM | 'Re: "V" listed for W.W. Strong' - <br/> <br/> 1. Sorry, I don't know. <br/> 2. Typing the posting was the 1st time I noticed it.<br/> |}
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