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Air Crews #67
{s:TopicNav|Crew of Capt. R. E. McCord and Ice Cold Katy|ForumNew.T1225|ForumNew.T0668|ForumNew.T0523|ForumNew.F17|ForumNew.T0509|ForumNew.T0393|ForumNew.T0014} {| class='ForumTopics' ! Posted !! Message |- | '''donkirk''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/NoAvatar.gif' /></div><br/>9/22/2009 12:51:48 PM | My brother Charles Kirkman was radio operator on this crew, and he has talked about Ice Cold Katy (42-107039) as if it were a special part of his experience, but there are only a few mentions of the plane during the time he was there; the documented missions she flew start from August, 1944, group mission 124. The plane had been assigned to the 401st in March, and the McCord crew apparently flew their first mission in May, mission 74. The data on mission flights on 401bg.com doesn't have plane assignments for most missions of the 612BS until August. Would Katy have sat idle between March and August?<br/> <br/> First, I'd like to know if the Katy flew missions before the first documented one in August and, second, if there is any source of information for what other planes McCord's crew flew during their time at Deenethorpe; they flew missions between #74 and #150; only about half a dozen late mission reports name the plane they flew.<br/> <br/> And a separate matter: the crew lists on 401bg.com list Charles as the engineer, not the radio operator. I am virtually certain this is incorrect; he had radio training at Scott Field, Illinois, before he went overseas, talked and wrote of himself as the radio operator, and started a radio repair business when he returned home. Is there a way I can get this verified and, if necessary, corrected? <br/><br/><br/> |- | '''Paul Bellamy''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/Paul Bellamy.jpg' /></div><br/>9/22/2009 3:05:31 PM | The Control Tower log book records Ice Cold Katy twice before her documented mission records begin.<br/> On both these occasions the report was due to the landing not being with the main group.<br/> <br/> Saturday 13th May 1944.<br/> 12.35 hrs. SC-M Landed from mission.<br/> (Group Mission No.69, Stettin.)<br/> <br/> Tuesday 11th July 1944.<br/> 13.45 hrs. SC-M landed from mission. Abortive.<br/> (Group Mission No.107, Munich.)<br/> <br/> As a start on verifying your brother's crew position, if his existing records contain his MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) Number then it can be compared to the listings.<br/> 748 is the MOS number for an "Army Airplane Mechanic:– Gunner/Flight Engineer"<br/> 755 is the MOS number for an "Army Air Force Radio Operator"<br/> <br/> Hope that helps a little,<br/> Paul <br/><br/>Paul Bellamy<br/> <img class='ForumMaxImgWidth' src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/resource1.png' /><br/> |- | '''donkirk''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/NoAvatar.gif' /></div><br/>9/23/2009 1:00:55 PM | Thanks, Paul. That does get me started. I know I have his service number in my records, so I'll find it and check out the MOS numbers. I remember my own service number (Korea - Army) but not his and not my own final MOS.<br/> <br/> I'll also compare the two aborted flights with the information I have so far.<br/> <br/> I appreciate all you do in this forum <nowiki>--</nowiki> I'm new here but I can see you're one of the old hands at the history of the group. <br/><br/><br/> |- | '''Paul Bellamy''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/Paul Bellamy.jpg' /></div><br/>9/23/2009 5:32:28 PM | You're very welcome.<br/> <br/> In the eventuality that he doesn't have his own original copy of his service records, and the National Personnel Records Center copy is one of those lost in the 1970's fire, then try the County Hall where he lived on his demob. All servicemen were required to deposit a full copy of their service record at their local County Hall upon release from service.<br/> <br/> All the best,<br/> Paul <br/><br/>Paul Bellamy<br/> <img class='ForumMaxImgWidth' src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/resource1.png' /><br/> |- | '''donaldbyers''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/donaldbyers.jpg' /></div><br/>10/11/2009 4:34:27 PM | This information comes from the Loading Lists I have.<br/> <br/> Ice Cold Katy<br/> <br/> 09 Apr 1944 Fox<br/> 11 Apr 1944 Hagen<br/> 24 Apr 1944 Bingham<br/> 25 Apr 1944 West<br/> 27 Apr 1944 Christenson<br/> 27 Apr 1944 Christenson (second mission of the day)<br/> 29 Apr 1944 Christenson<br/> 04 May 1944 Currie<br/> 07 May 1944 Hershey<br/> 11 May 1944 Bingham<br/> 12 May 1944 Bingham<br/> 20 May 1944 Massey<br/> 24 May 1944 Woods<br/> 25 May 1944 McCord<br/> 27 May 1944 McCord<br/> 28 May 1944 McCord<br/> 30 May 1944 McCord<br/> 02 Jun 1944 McCrod<br/> 04 Jun 1944 McCord<br/> 06 Jun 1944 McCord<br/> 10 Jun 1944 Kelly<br/> 21 Jun 1944 McCord<br/> 22 Jun 1944 Burns<br/> 25 Jun 1944 McCord<br/> Report Stops listing aircraft flown<br/> 01 Jan 1945 Thorpe<br/> 08 Jan 1945 Thorpe <br/><br/>Sgt. Donald C. Byers, 613th Bomb Squadron, Togglier, 42-97344 Carrie B II, KIA 08/24/1944.<br/> |- | '''donkirk''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/NoAvatar.gif' /></div><br/>10/12/2009 12:35:33 PM | Thanks for this additional information, Don. I'll probably set up some tables to capture what I'm learning about both the McCord crew missions and the much larger number of Katy missions. I'm getting a small amount of relevant information from other sources as well, so if I can bring it all together the results may be helpful for others interested in Ice Cold Katy. <br/><br/><br/> |}
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