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General Posts #339
{s:TopicNav|Combat Mess wall-art Part II: Nicknames|ForumNew.T1369|ForumNew.T0423|ForumNew.T0406|ForumNew.F01|ForumNew.T0403|ForumNew.T0391|ForumNew.T0005} {| class='ForumTopics' ! Posted !! Message |- | '''Paul Bellamy''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/Paul Bellamy.jpg' /></div><br/>11/30/2008 10:33:09 AM | I'm posting this seperately to the previous thread, as rather than building up the crew lists from the wall art, the the nickname placement has turned up some interesting results.<br/> <br/> By noting the squadron badges, and the known allocation of each nickname to a squadron, it shows that each squadron had their own section of wall. With the Combat Mess being a Nissen Hut these sections carried on on the opposite side of the room. <br/> The Allocated Aircraft page on the website has a list of aircraft without a known serial number or squadron allocation. By noting which of these nicknames are within each squadron's area of wall, we can work out what squadron they originally were allocated to at least.<br/> <br/> Here's the current listing, with the unallocated or non-recorded nicknames underlined. <br/> Spellings and punctuation are those on the wall panels. Where the name is not completely clear on the panel I have noted it with (?):<br/> <br/> 612th Bomb Squadron:<br/> Fancy Nancy<br/> Bonnie Donnie<br/> Grin N Bare It<br/> Fool's Luck<br/> Channel Express III<br/> Boche Buster<br/> Hell's Angels out of Chute 13 (Grossly Inadequate)<br/> Diana Queen of the Chase<br/> <u>Queen Sally</u><br/> IP<br/> Fearless Fosdick<br/> Dynamite John<br/> <br/> 613th Bomb Squadron:<br/> Sweat'er Out<br/> <u>Saint and Ten Sinners</u><br/> <u>Dancing Girl</u> (?)<br/> Madam Queen<br/> Betty J<br/> Pee-Tey-Kuh<br/> Son of a Blitz<br/> Duffy's Tavern<br/> Fitchett's Bandwagon<br/> Command Performance<br/> BTO in the ETO<br/> Homesick Angel (?)<br/> <u>Wolf's Den</u><br/> Lady Jane<br/> Zenobia (El Elephante)<br/> Jill's Jalopy<br/> Little Pedro<br/> Satan's Chillen<br/> Madam Queen<br/> Purely Platonic?<br/> Pistol Packin' Mama<br/> Ole 840<br/> <br/> 614th Bomb Squadron:<br/> <u>Blue Lagoon</u><br/> <u>Little Rebel</u><br/> <u>Miss Behavin'</u><br/> <u>Pffft!</u><br/> Widdle Twinkle<br/> <u>Bottoms Up</u><br/> Penny's Thunder Head<br/> Rosie's Sweat Box<br/> Down N Go<br/> <u>Home James</u><br/> <u>Sweet Seventeen</u><br/> Liberty Run<br/> <u>Patches</u><br/> <u>Mountain Dew</u><br/> <u>Day and Night</u><br/> Round Tripper<br/> Cawn't Miss<br/> Shade Ruff<br/> Cover Girl<br/> <u>Victory Girl</u><br/> Battlin' Betty<br/> Betty's Revenge<br/> Flak Rat No1 & No2<br/> <br/> 615th Bomb Squadron:<br/> Umbriago<br/> <u>Belle of the Brawl</u><br/> Doolittle's Doughboys<br/> Section 8<br/> Maggie<br/> Freckles<br/> <u>Packawalup</u><br/> Wolf Pack<br/> Mrs. Aldaflak<br/> <u>Time'll Tell</u><br/> Duke's Mixture<br/> Batland Bat<br/> Morning Star<br/> Leading Lady<br/> Little Cheezer<br/> Little Boots<br/> Ol' Massa<br/> That Sweet Thing<br/> Mary Makers<br/> Homing Pigeon<br/> Ruff & Reddy<br/> Belle of the Barbary Coast<br/> <br/> There are still another 23 panels with something on that i haven't been able to read yet, I'll add those to this list when I can.<br/> <br/> All the best,<br/> Paul <br/><br/>Paul Bellamy<br/> <img class='ForumMaxImgWidth' src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/resource1.png' /><br/> |- | '''swinny''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/swinny.jpg' /></div><br/>11/30/2008 6:44:23 PM | Hi Paul<br/> <br/> I noticed you indentified a wall panel as the WOLF PACK !!<br/> Could you tell me on what picture AC...... you found this plane.<br/> <br/> Andy <br/><br/>_________________________________<br/> <br/> <img class='ForumMaxImgWidth' src='http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v146/swinny/margraten012.jpg' /> My adoption graves [http://www.remember-our-heroes.nl/us_401stBG.htm|http://www.remember-our-heroes.nl/us_401stBG.htm]<br/> |- | '''Paul Bellamy''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/Paul Bellamy.jpg' /></div><br/>11/30/2008 7:16:15 PM | <blockquote><span class='author'>"swinny":</span><br/>Hi Paul<br/> <br/> I noticed you indentified a wall panel as the WOLF PACK !!<br/> Could you tell me on what picture AC...... you found this plane.<br/> <br/> Andy</blockquote><br/> <br/> Hi Andy,<br/> <br/> Unfortunately most of the wall-art photos don't seem to have made it into the NARA archive.<br/> The Wolf Pack panel is on one of the pictures of the Combat Mess walls in the Blue Book.<br/> <br/> All the best,<br/> Paul <br/><br/>Paul Bellamy<br/> <img class='ForumMaxImgWidth' src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/resource1.png' /><br/> |- | '''swinny''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/swinny.jpg' /></div><br/>11/30/2008 7:25:49 PM | Hi Paul<br/> <br/> I just took a look in the blue book ( thanks to Win ) but I can`t find anything,<br/> There is a page that has 14 pictures on it with panels and the headline is combat mess walls, is that the one you mean.<br/> I cant find the name wolf pack anywhere.<br/> This is very important for me.<br/> <br/> Andy <br/><br/>_________________________________<br/> <br/> <img class='ForumMaxImgWidth' src='http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v146/swinny/margraten012.jpg' /> My adoption graves [http://www.remember-our-heroes.nl/us_401stBG.htm|http://www.remember-our-heroes.nl/us_401stBG.htm]<br/> |- | '''Paul Bellamy''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/Paul Bellamy.jpg' /></div><br/>11/30/2008 7:30:44 PM | On that page, look at the third row down, right hand picture.<br/> Below "Maggie" and to the left of "Mrs. Aldaflak", it's the panel with the light fixture hanging over it.<br/> The artwork shows a bomb with a wolf's head over the middle.<br/> <br/> All the best,<br/> Paul <br/><br/>Paul Bellamy<br/> <img class='ForumMaxImgWidth' src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/resource1.png' /><br/> |- | '''swinny''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/swinny.jpg' /></div><br/>11/30/2008 7:54:41 PM | Hi Paul<br/> <br/> Yes , yes I see it , its very hard to see , but its there.<br/> So now I know what the wolf pack looks like.<br/> <br/> As you know , I adopted 4 men from the wolf pack , and until now , i did n`t found anything about the plane.<br/> <br/> Its very hard to see , is that the same with you , or is your picture in the book better ? <br/><br/>_________________________________<br/> <br/> <img class='ForumMaxImgWidth' src='http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v146/swinny/margraten012.jpg' /> My adoption graves [http://www.remember-our-heroes.nl/us_401stBG.htm|http://www.remember-our-heroes.nl/us_401stBG.htm]<br/> |- | '''win-win''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/NoAvatar.gif' /></div><br/>12/2/2008 11:28:07 PM | Paul & Swinny:<br/> <br/> Paul, you're right, I formally requested the National Archives about 'other' Combat Mess ceiling panel photos and, they cameu-up 'negative'.<br/> <br/> Could our own 401st 'archives' have prints of these other ceiling panel photos? I know Don Anderson needs a replacement'Historian' with his new duties, but I for one would love to look through 'boxes of 401st photos'.<br/> <br/> Do you have a 'blow-up' of 'Son of a Blitz' panel, 613Sq. Fowler Crew? If not, let me know.<br/> <br/> Win <br/><br/><br/> |- | '''Shade Ruff''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/NoAvatar.gif' /></div><br/>12/3/2008 3:46:02 PM | I have a photograph (of a photograph) sent to me by a fellow 401st BG (H) veteran's family member. This photo clearly shows the Shade Ruff artwork and its two associated crews on the mess hall ceiling panels. If I'm not mistaken, some other plane/crew names are also legible in this photo. As I remember it, the person who sent me the photo said his relative had taken personal photos of some of the panels while stationed at Deenethorpe. <br/> <br/> My uncle's crew roster is clearly listed as Crew 1 under the Shade Ruff name and artwork. He was Shade Ruff's original bombardier.<br/> <br/> I will pull the photo tonight and list all legible plane/crew names that appear on it. More to follow.<br/> <br/> Regards,<br/> <br/> Shade Ruff <br/><br/><br/> |- | '''Shade Ruff''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/NoAvatar.gif' /></div><br/>12/4/2008 6:51:09 AM | I found the photograph. It is a surprisingly good close up of a section of the mess hall ceiling. In the photo, eight 614th BS (H) aircraft names and/or artwork and their associated crews are depicted. As I mentioned previously, my photo was kindly provided by a relative of a Liberty Run crew member.<br/> <br/> The aircraft names are listed side by side in twos from top to bottom.<br/> <br/> Liberty Run/Patches<br/> <br/> Day and Night/Round Tripper<br/> <br/> Shade Ruff/Cover Girl<br/> <br/> Battlin' Betty/Betty's Revenge<br/> <br/> Understanding this is a photograph of a photograph, the majority of the crew members' ranks and names are nevertheless still legible (although a magnifying glass was necessary). The names are listed underneath the respective aircraft names. Liberty Run, Round Tripper, Shade Ruff and Cover Girl each have two crews listed. <br/> <br/> I will post the respective ranks/names as they appear on the ceiling panels In the Air Crews sub-form once I've done a bit more detective work. More to follow.<br/> <br/> Regards,<br/> <br/> Shade Ruff <br/><br/><br/> |- | '''Paul Bellamy''' <br/><br/><div class='poster-info'><img src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/Paul Bellamy.jpg' /></div><br/>12/4/2008 7:07:40 PM | From the sounds of it, this is the photo of the panels you're referring to:<br/> <br/> <img class='ForumMaxImgWidth' src='http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k227/ramc181/sectionLibrun.jpg' /><br/> <br/> This is a scan of the version in the Blue Book, hence the low quality.<br/> <br/> All the best,<br/> Paul <br/><br/>Paul Bellamy<br/> <img class='ForumMaxImgWidth' src='/public/Attachments/ForumNew.MainPage/resource1.png' /><br/> |}
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